Last Thursday the year 4s went to Te tuhi, which is near the plaza. We went to te tuhi to learn about matiriki. We made vertical gardens out of bottles. We were invided to make vertical gardens so they can display them in the foyer.
First, we saw the 4 holes on the bottle the we drawed over the line and then when we were done drawing over the lines we cut along the vivid lines.
Next we decorated the bottles with yellow and orange stickers or we drawed on the with the bottle, we uesd matiki/eviromint words.
Then we filled our bottles with pummies then we put soil then we got to pick our own plants.
After that we played hangman and we uesd matiriki words and we were wating for the others to put the pummies,soil and pick there plants.
Finally we looked at the artwork in the foyer that the other year 5s did, then we looked at the splats of colours that machet parts of the gallery.
Overall, i thought it was veary cool making the verical gardens out of bottles.
My favroit part was when i was decorating my bottle because it was creative.
i'm looking forwed to
going to the opening to look at the final artworks.